For some people having an Estate Plan is as simple as doing a basic online Will leaving any Assets you have to your partner or kids. For others your affairs could be more complex, things that could make your Estate Plan more complex are:
- Different stakeholders in your Estate, for example ex partner(s), children from a previous relationship, Children, Grandchildren. All of whom may have (potentially competing) needs and claims on your Estate.
- Structures like Companies, Family trusts and Self Managed Super Funds. All of these need to be specifically allowed for in your Planning.
- The desire or need to use Testamentary trusts in your Will. (testamentary trusts are a way to leave assets to people like children under 18 who would not be able to handle the assets themselves)
- Overseas Beneficiaries; in other words you have family who live outside Australia you want to leave assets or cash to. It is not often discussed but in this case there can be tax issues unless this is planned for well.
If we can help or you would like to discuss your needs please do not hesitate to get in contact.